Manchurian$46624$ - перевод на голландский
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Manchurian$46624$ - перевод на голландский

Manchurian Fir; Manchurian fir

n. bewoner van Mantsjoerije
Trans-Siberian Railroad         
  • Clearing on the right-of-way of the Eastern Siberian Railway, 1895
  • Construction work being performed by convicts on the Eastern Siberian Railway near [[Khabarovsk]], 1895
  • The Trans-Siberian is a vital link to the [[Russian Far East]].
  • [[Circum-Baikal Railway]]
  • Siberian peasants watching a train at a station, 1902
  • Trans–Mongolian Railway
  • interactive map]]}})
  • Trans-Siberian Railway, c. 1904
Trans-Siberian railway; Trans-Siberian Railroad; Trans-Siberian railroad; Transsiberian Railway; Trans-siberian railway; Transsiberian Railroad; Trans-Sibirian Railway; Trans-Siberia Express; Trans siberian railroad; Transiberian Railway; Trans-Siberia; Trans Siberia; Trans siberian railway; Trans-Siberian Express; Trans-Siberian express; Trans Mongolian Express; Transsib; Trans Siberian Express; Tran-Siberian railway; Transsiberian railway; Trans Siberian Railway; Trans-Siberia Railway; Trans manchurian railway; Transsiberian line; Trans Siberian railway; Rossija (train); Транссиби́рская магистра́ль; List of stations along the Trans-Siberian Railway; Siberian railway; Trans-siberian railroad; Trans–Siberian railway; Siberia Railway; Trans–Siberian Railway
de trans-Siberische spoorweg (spoorweg tussen Moskou en Vladiwostok Siberië doorkruisend)


red deer
¦ noun a deer with a rich red-brown summer coat that turns brownish-grey in winter, the male having large antlers. [Cervus elaphus.]


Abies holophylla

Abies holophylla, also called needle fir or Manchurian fir, is a species of fir native to mountainous regions of northern Korea, southern Ussuriland, and China in the provinces of Heilongjiang, Jilin, and Liaoning.

It is an evergreen coniferous tree growing to 30 m (100 ft) tall and 1 m (3 ft) in trunk diameter with a narrowly conical crown of horizontal spreading branches. The bark is scaly and gray-brown with resin blisters. The leaves ("needles") are flattened, 2–4 cm (341+12 in) long and 1.5–2.5 mm (116332 in) thick, spread at right angles from the shoot, and end in a point.

They spread on two sides, but not flat like for example in silver fir. Usually they more or less rise up forming with the shoot a V-shape empty compartment above it. Unlike in silver fir, the leaves here are sharp and prickly, without any indentation at the top.

They are bright green above and whitish-green below with 2 whitish strips, each of which is formed by 7–10 wax-covered stomatal bands. The shoots are glabrous, shiny yellow-gray when young and turning gray-brown. The cones are 12–14 cm (4+345+12 in) long by 4–5 cm (1+12–2 in) wide, yellow-brown, and slightly tapering with a bluntly rounded apex. The scale bracts are hidden under the cone scales. The seeds, 8–9 mm (51638 in) long with a wedge-shaped wing 1.5 cm (58 in) long, are released after the cones disintegrate at maturity in October.

Manchurian fir is sometimes, but not commonly, used as an ornamental plant.